Little Heroes, previously known as Helping Hand was established by the medical staff at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children in 1997 with the single aim of helping the children in their care.
Little Heroes is an independent Charity which operates through a board of trustees and fundraises exclusively for “The Children’s Hospital”.
Increasing pressures on the National Health Service make it essential to find additional sources of revenue to provide equipment, fund innovative research and ongoing education for our paediatric clinicians and support the immediate needs of children and their parents.
By supporting Little Heroes, you will be helping to purchase vital new equipment to diagnose and treat the hospital’s young patients, to provide facilities and services for families to fund research into children’s illnesses whilst championing our ‘Big Heroes’—the dedicated paediatric healthcare professionals at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children.
Little Heroes depends entirely on the kindness, generosity and support of individuals, communities, and corporate partners.
Without you, the charity cannot continue our vital work investing in life-saving equipment, essential family supports, enhanced facilities, new services, and essential paediatric research.
Give a little.
Be a Hero.
Whether you want to help big or small we appreciate your support.